• One member – One Rod:- Partner and close relative (junior under 16yrs) permitted. More than one junior, a guest ticket must be applied for.


  • Guests:- Guest tickets are only available when all lakes are open. All guests must hold a valid rod licence, and must fish the same lake as the accompanying member. Only eight guest tickets will be issued per day, and must be obtained before you take any guests to the Society’s waters. (Maximum of 2 guest tickets per ay per member).


  • Juniors:- All juniors must fish the adjacent swim to an adult member, or parent if a guest.


  • Guest Tickets:- £5.00 per Ticket, apply to Mr M. Frostick, 8 Tickets per day. Application for Tickets must be made at least 48hours before taking a guest to the waters or permission may be refused. No night fishing available to guests.


  1. Membership cards are not interchangeable, and must be carried at all times whilst fishing the society’s waters.
  2. Discarding unused bait into the waters is permitted, with consideration for other members who are fishing.
  3. Keep nets are not permitted, (excepting competitions), unhooking mats are compulsory.
  4. No litter of any description is to be left at any fishery. Tin cans “including soft drink cans” and glass bottles are banned. Plastic bottles are permitted, but must be taken away with you.
  5. No fish are to be removed from the waters.
  6. No fish are to be introduced to the waters.
  7. No juniors (under 16yrs of age) are permitted on any water unaccompanied.
  8. Fishing is permitted from sunrise to sunset, (Summertime from 6am at the request of the farmer). Members must be clear of the farm by lighting up time, as per the sheet supplied with the rules. If night fishing, you must be on the lake before sunset, and not leave before 6am.
  9. All members are honorary bailiffs, and must challenge any angler who is not known to them. Members must also challenge any angler who is seen to be infringing any of the society’s rules, and inform the committee.
  10. Parking of vehicles must be in the areas specified by the farmer.
  11. All fish of a reasonable size must be landed with the aid of a landing net. Landing nets must be a minimum size of 18” or 45cm in diameter, and be made of fine or micromesh netting. All nets used at society waters must be thoroughly dry before use, in order to prevent the spread of diseases.
  12. On competition days, there will be no fishing allowed on the relevant lake for a period of 6 hours before the match is due to begin. (see membership card or notice board for dates & lakes).
  13. A minimum of 3lbs & a maximum of 8lbs breaking strain line is to be used on Barn Lake, (maximum of 12lbs on Willow and Island Lakes). Barbless hooks are compulsory.
  14. Rods must not be left unattended at any time, for any reason.
  15. Ice must not be broken in order to fish.
  16. Pets must not be taken to the waters.
  17. If you leave the waters, you must vacate your swim.
  18. Floating baits may be used up to the edge of the lily pads only.
  19. Banned baits are:- Joker, Bloodworm, Nuts of any description, Fish pellet.
  20. Permitted baits are:- Maggot, Caster, Luncheon meat, Cheese, Bread, Safe Carp pellet used in quantities of 1kg per member per session on Island Lake & 1 pint per member per session on Willow and Barn Lakes. Dog biscuit (must be pre-soaked), Cereal ground bait used in quantities of 1kg per member per session on Island and Willow lakes only, (used in walnut sized balls sensibly). Sweet corn & Hemp may be used in quantities of half a pint per member per session on all waters. Boilies are now permitted to be used on all waters on quantities of ½ kilo per member per session. Other baits may be used with common sense as to the quantities.



  1. Draw takes place 45 minutes before the start of all matches with the exception of the “Friday Night Series”, which is 30 minutes. Any member arriving after the draw has been completed will be excluded from taking part.
  2. The peg you have drawn is the peg you will fish. Moving to vacant swim is not permitted during the match.
  3. Keep nets must be a minimum size of 8 feet long by 18” in diameter, and must be made of fine or micromesh netting.
  4. No bait of any description is to be introduced to the water before the start of the match.
  5. Pluming the swims & setting of floats is permitted before the start of the match.
  6. All matches will be started & finished by whistle.
  7. Any fish exceeding 8lbs is to be weighed by the match scales, recorded on the match sheet and returned as soon as possible, in order to save the fish more distress than is necessary.
  8. In the event of a fish being hooked, but not landed before the end of the match when the whistle is blown, the angler will be allowed a period of 5 minutes to land the fish. If the fish has still not been landed after this extra time, it will not be allowed on the match sheet.
  9. In accordance with “Thames Water Authority” angling rule No.13, all catches will (where possible) be weighed at the swim of capture.
  10. No audible bite alarms are permitted during any match. i.e. optonic type alarms.
  11. Non participating members & visitors must not attend the water before the end of the match. i.e. they must remain in the car park area until the match is over.
  12. All society General Rules apply at all competitions.


  1. Friday night Series:- Commencing from the first Friday in June for six consecutive weeks, Winner to be decided by the points system on a “best 4 from 6 basis”. If the series is drawn, the 5th & 6th legs will be used to obtain a winner. If the series is still drawn after this, the members concerned shall have a fish off at a later date.

Draw 5.30pm ~~ Fish 6pm to 9pm


  1. Pope Shield:- This match shall consist of the winners of all society matches from the previous season, with the exception of the Junior Champions, & the ladies match winner if a non member. Winner to be decided by the highest weight.

Draw 8.15am ~~ Fish 9am to 2pm

See note (I)


  1. Silver fish Match:- As the name suggests, only silverfish can be weighed in at this match. Winner to be decided by the highest weight.

Draw 8.25am ~~ fish 9am to 2pm


  1. Pope & Ladies shields:- This match is open to any male & female pairing, ladies may be assisted with baiting hooks and landing fish. Two keep nets are required for this match as the lady with the highest individual weight will win the Ladies Shield, and the pair with the highest combined weight will win the I. Pope Shield.

Draw 9.15am ~~ fish 10am to 2 pm


  1. Sunday Shield:- As the name suggests, this match takes place on a Sunday. Winner to be decided by the highest weight.

Draw 1.15pm ~~ fish 2pm to 7pm


  1. Junior Champion Shields:- This match is held on a Sunday, and is open to the under 16 year olds, who must be accompanied by an adult member. (or parent). There are two age groups in this competition: - 5~10yrs. & 11~15yrs. Winners to be decided by the highest weight.

Draw 11.15am ~~ Fish 12pm to 4pm


  1. Pairs Shield:- This match is open to members only, and the pairs are to be drawn randomly on the day. Winners are the pair with the highest combined weight.

Draw 8.15am ~~ Fish 9am to 2pm


  1. Fur & Feather Match:- this match takes place on a Sunday, & 1st to 5th place are decided by weight. Cash prizes are awarded at the Subscription/Presentation night, and the Winner is also awarded the D. Wood Memorial Cup.

Draw 9.15am ~~ Fish 10am to 3pm


  1. Winter Series:- These Matches will be held on the first Sunday of each month from October to March. Winner to be decided by the points system on a “best 4 from 6 basis”. If the series is drawn, same ruling applies as for the Friday Night series.

Draw 9.15am ~~ Fish 10am to 3pm


  1. Knockout Shield:- As the suggests, this is a round by round knockout competition that is open to all members. Matches are to be arranged by mutual agreement between members after the draw for each round. Highest weight wins & proceeds to the next round.


  1. Note (I) :- Winning the A.Pope Shield match does not qualify that member to fish in the A. Pope Shield match the following season.


  1. Common Carp / Mirror Carp   30lbs 8ozs
  2. Koi Carp                               14lbs 12ozs
  3. Crucian Carp                             3lbs 0ozs
  4. Bream 7lbs 12ozs
  5. Chub                                6lbs 8ozs
  6. Tench                   8lbs 8ozs
  7. Perch 4lbs 4ozs
  8. Roach 2lbs 4ozs
  9. Rudd 2lbs 4ozs
  10. Barbel                              to be declared


Qualifying Weight List (50% of Max)

  1. Common Carp / Mirror Carp Heaviest fish wins Rydings Cup
  2. Koi Carp                        Heaviest fish wins “The Harry”
  3. Crucian Carp 1lbs 8ozs
  4. Bream 3lbs 14ozs
  5. Chub                               3lbs 14ozs
  6. Tench                                4lbs 4ozs
  7. Perch                            2lbs 2ozs
  8. Roach 1lbs 2ozs
  9. Rudd 1lbs 2ozs
  10. Barble                        to be declared


NOTE:-   A fish which is on or above the qualifying weight for its species will be eligible for the relevant specimen trophy. The best of each species will be eligible for the Kingsnorth Cup, which is judged on percentage weight. The specimen with the highest percentage weight will win the Kingsnorth Cup. Common & Mirror Carp are excluded from this as the best of these species will win the Rydings Cup.


Points system for Competitions

  • 1st Place 25 Points
  • 2nd Place                              20 Points
  • 3rd Place 16 Points
  • 4th Place                                              13 Points
  • 5th Place 11 Points
  • 6th Place 10 Points
  • Weighing in 5 Points
  • Taking part but not weighing in 2 Points


NOTE :-  Scales must be zeroed and checked before each competitor weighs in. Specimen fish must be recorded on the match sheep at every society competition. “Thames Water Authority” angling rule No.13 states that for purpose of weighing catches, the scales (where possible), shall be taken to the swim of capture.


  1. The first round draw will take place in the car park prior to the first Friday Night series match in June.
  2. The first angler drawn from the hat of each match shall have a choice of venue. Non Society waters may be used, as long as both anglers are in agreement.
  3. Time and date of the match is to be agreed by both anglers. Matches must not exceed 5 hours in duration, but may be shorter if both anglers agree.
  4. The first choice of swims shall be decided by the toss of a coin.
  5. Sizeable fish weighed separately must be verified by your opponent, and recorded before being returned to the water.
  6. Total weights for each angler must be verified by each other at the end of the match.
  7. Barble must not be put in keep nets, and must be weighed separately as in rule 5 above.
  8. It is the responsibility of the winning angler to inform the Match secretary of the result as soon as possible after each match, quoting both anglers match weights.
  9. The preliminary (if required) and first round matches must be completed by the end of July. The second round matches must be completed by the end of August. The third round matches must be completed by the end of September. The semi-finals & final are to be fished by the end of October. If any problems arise, contact the Match secretary who may be able to help or advise.
  10. Fish caught in any round of this competition are not eligible for the specimen trophies.
  11. All other society rules apply.



The name of the association shall be the ‘Thames Angling Society’ hereafter called the Society.


  1. All members shall be paid up members of the Society
  2. The Society shall consist of the following classes of member;
  • Full Members.
  • Pension Members.
  • Honorary Members.
  • Life Members.
  1. Membership an any class may be limited by the Management Committee.
  2. After reaching their 65th birthday, members who have completed a minimum of ten consecutive years memberships on the day of their subscription is due may be invited to become a ‘Pension member’, (vacancy permitting).
  3. The Management Committee shall have the power to elect on terms such as they determine, ‘Honorary’ and ‘Life’ members for services rendered to the Society.
  4. All persons accepting membership of the Society shall be deemed to have agreed to be bound by the Constitution, Rules and Bye-Laws of the Society.
  5. All persons using the Society waters do so entirely at their own risk.


  • Fee’s, Subscription’s and Responsibilities


  1. All new members on election shall pay an enrolment fee. This fee shall be a sum so determined by an Annual General Meeting.
  2. An annual subscription fee shall be payable by all members in classes (i) & (ii). This fee shall be a sum so determined by an Annual General Meeting.
  3. All members in classes (i), (ii) & (iii) shall annually complete a number of working parties, the number of which shall be determined by an Annual General Meeting.


  • Expulsion from Membership


  1. The Management Committee may expel from the Society and member for conduct which in their opinion is injurious to the Society, its objects, its members or Angling in general.
  2. Before expelling a member, the Management Committee shall enquire into that member’s conduct, and that member shall be given a reasonable chance to defend his/her self in Writing, or in person before the Management Committee.
  3. The Management Committee’s power to expel shall be by a majority vote of those present at the enquiry.
  4. An expelled member shall forfeit all rights and privileges of membership, but shall remain liable for any dues or debts to the Society.


      The general objects of the Society shall be;


  1. To provide the facilities of an angling club for its members, including the provision of angling
  2. To maintain and improve as fisheries any waters owned by, or leased to it.
  3. To promote the interests of angling, and anglers.


  1. The Officers of the Society shall consist of ;-
  • The Chairman: Mr Martin Frostick
  • The Secretary: Mr Scott Maskell
  • The Treasurer: Mr Martin Frostick
  • The Vice-Chairman: Mr Jason Thurlow
  • The Match Secretary: Mr Robert Halsey

Committee Members

  • Mr Bill Mitchell
  • Mr Peter Kroneberg 
  • Mr Dave Ryding
  • Mr Peter Morris
  1. All officers of the Society shall be ‘Honorary’, and shall be elected for a term of one year at the Society’s Annual General meeting each year. This is after being proposed and seconded, and indicating their eligibility and consent. (N.B. see section 6 note 1)


  1. The Management Committee shall conduct the business of the Society.
  2. The Management Committee shall consist of the Officers of the Society, plus not less than three and not than seven fully paid up members of the Society, who shall be elected for a term of one year at the Society’s Annual General meeting each year. This is after being proposed and seconded, and indicating their eligibility and consent. (N.B. see section 6 note 1)
  3. At the Society’s Annual General Meeting, all Officers and Management Committee members shall retire from office, but shall be eligible for re-election.
  4. In the event of two or more nominee’s receiving equal votes, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.


(Note1)                                         ELIGIBILITY

             In order to be eligible to hold a Society Officer position a member must have completed a minimum of five consecutive years’ membership, to sit on the Committee a minimum of three consecutive years. If a member is currently an Officer or Committee member of any other angling Club, they will be deemed ineligible to hold Office or to sit on the Committee.


  1. The Treasurer shall administer the Society’s monetary transactions.
  2. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the proper upkeep of all financial records and accounts, and shall submit the final accounts for audit and presentation at the Annual General Meeting.
  3. Members of the Management Committee shall be reimbursed for any such expenses as they may from time to time incur whilst acting on behalf of the Society, subject to the approval of the Management Committee.




  1. The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held on the first Monday in March each year in order to :-
  • Receive and consider the audited accounts and annual balance sheets prepared by the Treasurer and Management Committee.
  • Appoint Officers and Management Committee members.
  • Consider resolutions proposed under 10 (i) b.
  1. Resolutions to be proposed at the Annual General Meeting must be in the hand of the Secretary not less than fourteen days before the date of the Annual General Meeting in order to be included on the agenda.




  1. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held at any time the Management Committee shall determine, or upon receipt by the Secretary of a requisition proposed and seconded, and signed by a minimum of eighteen other members clearly stating the reason for calling an Extraordinary Meeting, and the proposal to be voted upon. The proposer and seconder shall be invited to attend the next Management Committee meeting in order to explain their position. The Management Committee shall then decide whether the proposal warrants the convention of an Extraordinary General Meeting.
  2. The Management Committee shall give not less than fourteen day’s notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting to the membership, stating the time and place of the meeting, and the nature of the business to be transacted.
  3. Accidental omission to give notice to, or non-receipt of notice by any individual member, (under 10 (ii) b) shall not invalidate proceedings at the meeting.




  1. In order for a meeting to take place, twenty members shall constitute a quorum.
  2. All members present shall be entitled to vote, and in the event of any equal voting, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
  3. Non-members shall only attend Society General at the express invitation of a majority of the Management Committee.


  1. The Management Committee shall have power to deal with any matter appertaining to the general business of the Society, whether provided for in these rules or not.
  2. The Management Committee shall meet as and when required, as directed by the Chairman or Secretary.
  3. The Management Committee shall have the power to make, repeal or amend such rules and regulations as they think expedient for the effective management and wellbeing of the Society. All rules and regulations made under this rule shall be binding upon all members until such time as they may be repealed or amended by a resolution from a General Meeting.
  4. The Management Committee is the sole authority for the interpretation of these rules.
  5. For the purpose of holding a Management Committee meeting, Two Officers & Four Committee members shall constitute a quorum.


  1. Officers and Management Committee members shall act as Bailiffs; all other members shall act as honorary bailiffs.
  2. Officers and Management Committee members shall have the power to eject from the waters any person(s) breaking any of the Society’s rules, and report any such incident to the Management Committee, whereupon the full Management Committee shall enquire into their actions.


  1. This Constitution and Rules replaces all previous Rules and bye-laws relating to ‘Thames Angling Society’.
  2. All further amendments will be recorded as such, with date and authorisation of the Management Committee, and the minutes of the meeting retained for future reference.
  3. Rules imposed by the limitations of the lease may not be repealed or amended, unless at a renegotiation of the lease.


  1. All members will be supplied with a Society Members Handbook, which must be carried at all times whilst ay any Society Water.
  2. Members must produce their Members Handbook when requested to do so by any other member of the Society, (on production of their own Members Handbook)
  3. All members fishing Society Waters shall be bound by the Regulations and bye-laws of the Environment Agency. Members must also have in their possession a valid Environment Agency Rod Licence.
  4. No litter of any description is to be discarded on any part of the Society’s Waters. All members will be held responsible for any litter found in their swim, or in the adjacent area.
  5. Members must not:-
  • Use live bait or lures.
  • Use a boat for fishing, (including bait boats).
  • Carry or use guns of any description.
  • Use catapults, (excepting bait catapults).
  • Light open fires.
  • Cut down, or otherwise damage foliage or vegetation.
  1. Any member leaving the waters, for whatever reason, must vacate the swim they were using.
  2. Guests:-
  • Guests must fish on the same lake as the accompanying member.
  • Members will be held responsible for the behaviour of any guests that they take to the Society’s waters.
  • Guests are permitted to fish sunrise to sunset only, no night fishing.